Aug 26, 2014 #gamechanger

Today's tech tip is the definition of fun while learning. Allow me to introduce  Zondle allows students to play games that support the curriculum.  What makes this website and app unique is that the games are created by other students and/or teachers.  Within Zondle, students and teachers can create their own games on different subjects and then share them with their peers.  It is easy to get absorbed in Zondle and it is definitely worth checking out.

Teachers can set up a class within Zondle so that they can track their students' games and their progress. A teacher can also edit a game that someone else has created and re-save it as their own.  What a time saver if a game happens to be similar in content but slightly off in terminology!  Also, when a topic is chosen or one is created from scratch, there are many, many different game templates that can be selected that will then allow for the content to be input into that particular game template.  This is a tool that teachers can use to empower their students and motivate them to study for a test or review concepts.  Allowing students to create their own games and share them with their peers may prove to be a "gamechanger".  For more information about how you can use Zondle as an assessment tool, embed a game onto a blog, or simply set up student accounts, click here.

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