Aug 29, 2017

Google Gold Mine

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Today's Tech Tip is a gold mine. It's also new. It's called Google's Applied Digital Skills. Sounds boring but it is not! It is an entire curriculum that you can use with upper elementary students through high school to teach kids how to be successful online. It helps groom them to be successful in representing themselves "professionally". The activities are awesome in that they are relevant to the projects that you are currently doing with your students. Here are just a few examples:

  • Interactivity in Learning: Students are taught how to create an interactive If/Then presentation in Google Slides. Very similar to Choose Your Own Adventure. How fun would this be to show what they know?
  • Test for Credibility: Students choose a topic to research (or you give them choices) and using that topic, they are walked through the process of evaluating credible sources. Then, they are given the opportunity to learn a little coding to show how websites (credible or not) are created to look appealing. 
  • Create an Editing Tool with Programming: Students are taught how to program their own tool to identify overused words in their Google docs. We all remember the overuse of the word "sardonic" in a trilogy that she not be named here:) Help students avoid that same over usage by creating their own editing tool while developing computer skills at the same time!
  • Math and Movies Can Go Together: Students are taught how to predict the next box office hit analyzing data and then presenting that data in ways that are amazingly creative while developing new technology skills.
I've only listed four of many amazingly relevant, fun and engaging activities that speak to so many of your lessons. Consider how you can integrate these valuable projects into your teaching! I know I will be tackling some of these in my classes! Click here to see the full curriculum.

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