Nov 24, 2015

It Has Finally Arrived!

When I heard the news, I will say that I was beside myself. So many of us have been waiting so patiently. Padlet is finally an app! Padlet, which is essentially a virtual bulletin board, allows you to post videos (without having to mess with YouTube or Vimeo), text, images, and links onto a Padlet wall. Some of us were using Padlet on mobile devices through our Internet browsers but it was always a bit glitchy. Now, we can use the app version. Simply log into the app with your account and host your great work from within the app. Here are just a few ways in which we are using Padlet throughout our school:

  • Dinner Discussions: Love the home school connection use here!

  • Sharing artwork

  • Communicating with other students around the world when the time difference prohibits Skyping

  • Sharing weather reports filmed in front of the green screen

  • Sharing commercials made in Social Studies

Accessibility is key so knowing we can use Padlet within the app is a game changer. 

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