Nov 3, 2015

Follow Me This Sway

Created with Sway

There has been a lot of hype surrounding Sway so I thought I would go ahead and share it with you. Perhaps you have not heard of it yet? It is a tech tool created by Microsoft (but is compatible with iPads and iPhones) that allows you to create story lines, presentations, cards, newsletters, and just about anything else that you wish. It is like a Tackk, Smore, Powerpoint, Storify, and Canva tool all wrapped into one. What is its purpose? It can be used to create a webpage, a photo journal, a how-to presentation, an event flyer, a syllabus, an interactive social studies lesson, a research project, a commercial for a new product, a vocab lesson, and more. You can use it for just about anything. 

If you would like to learn more, there is a tutorial here. Another feature of Sway is that when you search for images within Sway, by default, it directs you to images that have creative commons licenses. You can uncheck a box to take that default option away but you probably wouldn't want to do that. If you would like to read a Sway about how to create a Sway, click here. I have discovered that you could spend hours creating in Sway. Sway might just sway you to create something great!

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