Aug 18, 2015

What Could Me More Fun Than Meme-Generating?

We're baaaack! It's day two of school and so far, so good. In fact, it's been really good. A couple of weeks ago, I was brainstorming some ways to reorient my students while having a little fun and I came across some great ideas for generating memes. Today, I tried it out in my classroom and here's how it went:

After I took some nuggets from Andy Plemmons blog about digital leadership, reviewed our iHelp job chart, and shared some "housekeeping" information, we were ready to create our own memes as a get to know you kind of exercise. Using the Meme Generator app that can be found in the Windows app store, students created some fabulous memes while sharing what excites them about starting school again. Here's some of my favorites:

And my personal favorite:

Nothing like a little sarcasm:
In all seriousness, meme generating can be used in some pretty helpful ways. Here are some additional ideas: rule reminder posters, share content that was learned, reflect on a story character and create a meme that demonstrates empathy for that character, create propaganda, share studying do's and don'ts, create digital citizenship-related meme posters, and so much more! The opportunities for creative learning are endless. The Meme Generator app is on each of the computers in the upstairs computer lab so please take advantage of this fun teaching tool. 

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